Le Vau značenje | engleski leksikon

Le Vau značenje | engleski leksikon

Le Vau

muški rodlično ime
IPA: / lə |vau| /

(1612-1670) French architect. He was a leading exponent of the Baroque style. His design for the château of Vaux-le-Viscomte outside Paris (begun 1657) provided the inspiration for the remodeling of Versailles, on which he worked from 1669. Many of Le Vau's additions to the palace, notably the elegantly symmetrical garden façade, were altered by later enlargements under Hardouin-Mansart.
Le Vau also contributed to the east front of the Louvre 1667 and designed les Tuileries, Paris.

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Lafe | lav | lava | lave | lay ... off | lay off | Le Vau | leaf | leafy | leave | lev | levee | Levi | levo | levy | lf | lie off | lief | life | Liffey | LIFO | live | Livy | lo-fi | loaf | loofa | loofah | love | Lovoa | luff | luffa | lv | LWV

Reč dana 16.09.2024.

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